Website Design Riverside, CA

Website Design
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Website Design Riverside, CA

In most cases, your company website is the heart of your business. While rare exceptions such as manufacturing exist, most business types for both B2B and B2C should consider their website as the heart of their business. Here’s why: the first place both existing and potential customers go to learn about your company, products or services will be your company website.

Therefore, website design should be one of the most important aspects of your business strategy and day-to-day planning. Your company’s website design will have a very large impact on your business, that impact may be negative or positive depending on the quality of your websites design. Imagine going into a retail store and the signs on the isles are incorrect, or missing altogether. How would your shopping experience be in this case, most likely the experience would be poor. Now imagine a customer or potential customer is looking for a product or service on your website, will their experience with your website design be positive or negative?

Depending on the website design quality of your company website, you may be driving potential customers to your competitors. Website design consists of more than just a flashy template and colorful images. At Affordable Marketing our website designers have a 100 point checklist that we use on every website we design, before we release a new website for launch. That might sound excessive or even unnecessary, but we’re looking at the acquisition costs our clients will have to pay to acquire new customers and convince existing customers to purchase more.

So, you can see that website design has everything to do with your profit margins, and this is why your should care about your company’s website design.

Website Development Riverside, CA

While website design is certainly the most important aspect of your companies online presence, the second most important aspect would be your companies website development. Website development is the programming that makes your website design work, often very complex multi-layered. Website development is code, that code may be simple HTML and CSS, or more Complicated PHP and JavaScript. Whatever type of website you have (WordPress, Shopify, Ecommerce etc.) you should understand that letting people touch, change or edit your websites coding can be a very costly mistake.

Programmers that build, edit and add to your website development should be highly skilled and advanced so that your website will remain at the highest level of performance. We liken this to letting a friend work on your cars electrical system, while they may save you money in the short term you will probably be paying for this in the long term.

Website developers also bring years of experience to your company websites, often they will make recommendations that an inexperienced person cannot make. Making your website faster, easier to navigate, and even more competitive requires that you are using the skills of an experienced website developer.

Website development differs from website design in that development is the next step in the actual building of the website. Depending on the type of website you have chosen, the length of time to build can range from 30 days to 90 days if you have your content and branding. If so, then you will be ready to start your website development project right away. The details include branding, content, domain name, hosting space, and design specs completed.

The details for ecommerce website development are more extensive, and we will cover those details in the following paragraphs. The most important thing to remember about your website development project is that you are ready to begin and have finalized the details required by the developers to start your project.

There is an old adage in the construction business that best describes development, it goes like this “once you pour the concrete it dries very fast, if its not what you want then you need to break it out and re-pour tomorrow”. In other words, before you begin the development process, be sure that the information you provide our developers is correct, up to date and as detailed as possible.

Website Builders

We have seen a lot of new website builders in the website design space, these are usually fully or partially automated software applications that can build a website given your specifications. Beware, these are nothing more than canned websites that have (often) been used thousands of times by other businesses and offer nothing new or unique for your business.

These website builders cannot consider your customers buying preferences, habits or even demographics. Pre-built websites from website builders can only give you one result, with no consideration other than the simple bits of information required to complete the process.

Another aspect of the website builders is the advent of AI, artificial intelligence can help in the process of building an automated website with a website builder. However, the outcome usually won’t be anything better than trying to navigate through an automated (AI) phone queue where your sent in the wrong direction because you breathed too heavily into the phone. In other words, building an automated website using website builders can be worse for your company than having no website at all.

Best Website Builders

The best website builders are real website designers and website developers. Nothing can take the place a real human listening to your companies specific needs and requirements and then building to meet those requirements. The best website builders let you decide to form a variety of templates (1.000+ options) and consider how your company will acquire new customers given those requirements.

The best website builders dig in deep into your project to ensure that your website design is consistent with your company, product or service brand. The best website builders develop a foundation by using website developers with years of experience in the programming of your company’s website. The best website builders are still here years after your new website design is launched, for everything from marketing and advertising to updates and edits or to just to answer your questions.

Website Design Company Riverside, CA

If your company has yet to build a serious business website, or if your ready to upgrade to a new professional WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce or Magento website then you need to Affordable Marketing today. We have been in the website design and website development business for 20+ years and have helped countless companies just like your find their voice on the internet.

Don’t go down the wrong road with automated website builders, or companies that spam and robocall millions of companies every year just to get a few unsuspecting customers. Most of these are overseas companies that will deliver as little as they possibly can, then disappear after you have paid the bill. We know this because we have had many customers who were caught up in these scams, while we were able to help those who contacted us there were many more who were left without any support or repercussions.

Affordable Marketing has been in business since 2003, our name and our reputation have evolved but our core business ethics, experience and professionalism, has never changed. When you call, we will patiently walk you through the website design process, or website development process. We will discuss options, pricing and timelines. Most importantly, we will support our work for months and even years to come!

New Website Launch

Launching a new website is truly something special, if you’re a business owner this is a milestone that will change the way you acquire new customers. With the launch of your new website, you’re going to need marketing to begin the customer acquisition journey.

Affordable Marketing has been helping our customers achieve competitive dominance in their markets since 2003, we have a team of highly qualified marketing and advertising specialists that will take your new website to the next level and beyond.

We offer the following marketing and advertising services:

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