Affordable Marketing


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Frequently Asked Questions

We do our best to answer typical question our clients and perspective clients may have about the services we offer. If your questions are not fully answered here, please feel free to schedule a free Zoom consultation, and we will make sure that your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.

How fast can conversions be increased?

There’s no one-size-fits-all magical strategy that can be implemented to automatically increase the conversions in your ecommerce store. If there were, we would be out of business tomorrow. This is where Affordable Marketing is vastly different from our competitors. We’re not here to sell you marketing services, we are here to partner with you and your team to create the right formula to increase conversions, and ensure that your ecommerce store remains stable, and profitable.

We can integrate with high traffic platforms such as Google Shopping, Microsoft Shopping, Shops on Facebook, Instagram Shopping, and TikTok Shop.

Yes, a professionally designed ecommerce store costs far less than you might imagine, and the design process can be far easier than you may think. You can choose from hundreds of pre-built template designs and have your store launched in weeks, or work with our designers to custom design your ecommerce stores template.

Yes, due to Google’s design standards, your ecommerce store template (whether custom or pre-built), might be the single most important factor in how well your site performs on Google. One standard Google requires you to meet is that your ecommerce store is viewable on any device (desktop, mobile, and tablet). There are many more standards that Google has in place across their platform that your store should comply with. In short, your ecommerce store should comply with all of Google’s rigorous standards for your store to perform well on Google’s platform which includes search, merchant/shopping, ads, places/maps, snippets, and more.

Launching your new ecommerce store or redesigning your current ecommerce store doesn’t have to be expensive or scary. If you hire an agency that is honest and upfront about the challenges you will face in generating sales after your site launches, then you will feel more confident and motivated to meet these challenges. Our goal is to help you generate sales, we do this by working with you to create a roadmap for your successful launch.

Adding product feeds to your ecommerce store to propagate your products into third party marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, eBay or Etsy is another example of why you need a professional ecommerce developer. Don’t upload spreadsheets when you can directly connect critical functions such as product details and images, inventory, pricing, and orders. Keep everything up to date across your selling environment, to ensure your customers have the best buying opportunities.

If you’re thinking about changing the ecommerce platform where your store is hosted, then you should understand that the data migration process is very serious. Some things to consider when migrating your data are customer accounts, orders (including order numbers), product data, reviews, and of course sales data. Also, if you conduct business through product feeds on Google Shopping or any shopping site or marketplace such as Amazon, then you will need to recreate each feed.


We strongly recommend that you do not use an automated process to move your data. As you can see data migration is too complicated to automate and requires a professional developer. Also, once you move your domain to a new host you may no longer be able to retrieve the original data, as it will eventually be deleted by your old ecommerce hosting company.

Great sales funnels begin with awareness, this is the spark that lights the fire. Usually an advertisement, email, article, social post, SMS message, etc. This is the crucial point in the customer journey because if the advertising doesn’t match the landing page message, the customer might lose trust in the offer and bounce.


For this reason, lead-gen marketers usually create the landing page first, and then proceed to broadcast their message using the content from the landing page. In our experience advertising is the surest method for a constant stream of traffic to a landing page. Depending on your service, most potential customers will react positively to an ad on Google, Bing, Linked or Facebook because there is implied trust in these platform.

Landing pages are the core of your lead generation campaign, this is where you have the golden opportunity to build trust with a potential customer and turn them into a lead. Landing page design is important, even more important factors are understanding how visitors will respond to your message, capturing the visitors information’s and storing it in a CRM, and tracking where the visitor came from so that you can create accurate traffic reports.
Lead nurturing is arguably the most important step in selling your services. This is where your customers information is used to communicate with your customers. If your system is incomplete or outdated, then your communications will never be on par with your competitors. Only when you have all the right pieces in place can you truly compete in your space, for the same customer that your closets competitors are also competing for.

Whether you generate leads through inbound marketing or a more outbound approach, there is always one certainty: not every lead you generate is going to be ready to buy your products and services. There’ll be varying levels of awareness of your brand, knowledge about your offerings, and intent in making a purchase. So each lead must be nurtured differently based on their qualifications and where they fit in the overall sales journey.


The first logical step to qualifying your incoming leads is to decide on your Ideal customer. These descriptions shouldn’t be some imaginary criteria you pull out from thin air but based on actual data about your existing customers. By comparing your incoming leads with these benchmarks you establish, your team will have a clear idea of who to focus their efforts on.

If you have an online store that sells and ships products, then you already qualify to sell on the Google merchant platform. This platform encompasses the following Google properties: Google Merchant, Google Shopping, Google Ads, Google Maps/Places, YouTube, and Images. All these are combined to give Google customers an environment to search for products while immersing them in a content rich experience.

For those with little to no experience in setting up ecommerce stores or marketplace accounts we want to caution before you attempt to configure your own account. Misconfiguration of your account or launching too soon and getting suspended, could end up costing you more to fix than the original configuration.


If you have received a Google Merchant account suspension, your ads will stop running. That means no more revenue from Google until the issue is resolved. Keep in mind that every Google Merchant account suspension has its own unique set of circumstances and requires a unique response. We have worked with many merchants experiencing suspension and have ultimately been able to get every account reinstated and back online. While we cannot make any promises as to how long it might take to get your account reinstated, or what steps will need to be taken, what can promise is that we won’t stop until your account is reinstated.


Whatever you do, never aggressively push back on Google support. They are here to help you and while it may not seem like it at the time, it is true. The best thing you can do if your account is suspended is to call us right away, we will dive into the problem and put our years of experience to work in getting your Google Merchant account reinstated.

If you have an existing Google Merchant account that is not performing as well as you think it should, then we can help. Often low performing Merchant accounts can be attributed to configuration issues, or website content that is not syncing with your Google Merchant account. Sometimes a low performing Google Merchant account can be due to being in a very competitive space. We love these types of challenges because we always win. We know what to look for in your competitors accounts, we can see where they have gone wrong and what they have done right. Competing on Google Merchant means being an expert in the technology, and this includes Google Ads.

When you ask a typical ad agency a question like this, the response is usually long-winded and obviously slanted in their favor. But it’s a completely fair question, that deserves a real answer.


The truth is, there is plenty of profit for ad agencies in managing their clients advertising and we believe there is plenty of room to cut the price and still offer the highest level of expertise. We don’t believe that overcharging clients helps to build their trust, and in fact it only makes them dissatisfied with the relationship. Since we are in this for the long term, we prefer to charge a fair and affordable price that helps to build trust and strengthen the relationship we have with our clients.

Text (search) Ads
Shopping Ads
Responsive Ads
Image (display) ads
Video Ads
App Promo Ads
Call Only Ads

Bing Smart Search
Product Ads
Responsive Search Ads
Vertical Ads
Dynamic Search Ads
Audience Ads
Multimedia Ads
Expanded Text Ads

When merchants sell their products online, they have what seems like an endless source of opportunities to get their products in front of perspective customers. But what about local merchants who want to drive customers into their brick-and-mortar stores? The fact is when compared to online marketing and advertising, there are far fewer options for local merchants to grow foot traffic in their stores.


All of this has changed with Google Local, the online world and offline world have now merged, and the outcome is quite awesome. Now you can advertise your products and local store on Google and bring customers into your store for local pickup and local delivery.

They’re a type of promotion feature intended for advertisers and store owners that have physical locations. Advertisers and store owners can use local inventory ads (LIAs) to showcase their products and services to nearby customers using Google for research purposes.


Essential product information, e.g., product prices and availability can be shown to potential customers using these Google shopping ads. Other details that can be accessed by users include in-store details such as store distance, opening hours, reviews, and directions.

Before you can set up the LIAs for your retail business, they’re a few requirements that you must satisfy first.

1.) Your business has a traditional store setup accessible by walk-in customers.

2.) The goods on sale don’t require additional purchases, e.g., a membership to the store.

3.) Your business is in a country that allows LIAs to run, such as the US, the UK, Australia, France, Denmark, and Canada.

4.) You abide by Google shopping ad policies, especially those related to technical quality standards, restricted content, and prohibited content and practices.